IBS-C patient

Some patients using laxative products may be frustrated by the return of their IBS-C symptoms

According to an online survey of 501 IBS-C sufferers1,*:

IBS-C sufferers patient indentification

is the average length of time IBS-C sufferers reported using OTC laxatives

of patients with IBS-C reported being “very satisfied” with their OTC laxatives

IBS-C patient identifiction seal IBS-C patient identifiction seal IBS-C patient identifiction seal

The ACG Guideline suggests against the use of2:

  • PEG products to relieve IBS symptoms in those with IBS-C
    • Conditional recommendation, low quality of evidence§
  • Probiotics for the treatment of global IBS symptoms‡,§,||
    • Conditional recommendation, very low level of evidence§

ACG, American College of Gastroenterology; CIC, chronic idiopathic constipation; IBS-C, irritable bowel syndrome with constipation; OTC, over the counter; PEG, polyethylene glycol.

*Data from an online survey commissioned by Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Allergan in 2018. 501 patients with IBS-C and 610 patients with CIC qualified for the detailed survey after meeting ROME IV criteria for IBS-C or CIC.1

In this survey of IBS-C sufferers taking OTC laxatives, 16% were “very satisfied,” 44% were “somewhat satisfied,” 22% were “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied,” 11% were “somewhat dissatisfied,” and 7% were “very dissatisfied.”1

The strength of the recommendation is given as conditional if many patients should have this recommended course of action, but different choices may be appropriate for some patients.2

§Due to the low and very low quality of evidence, the estimate of effect is very uncertain.2

||The ACG Guideline does not clearly define “global IBS symptoms.” 

Click to view 2 LINZESS IBS-C patient profiles

IBS-C patient Melanie
IBS-C patient Sarah

Not actual patients. For illustrative purposes only.

A survey revealed that patients typically struggle with symptoms for ~2 years before seeking help from a healthcare professional2