LINZESS is available in a once-daily dose for the following indications1
For adults with IBS-C | 290 mcg
For adults with CIC |
2 dosing options
For functional constipation (FC) in pediatric patients 6 to 17 years of age | 72 mcg

For adults with IBS-C | 290 mcg

For adults with CIC | 2 dosing options

For functional constipation (FC) in pediatric patients 6 to 17 years of age | 72 mcg

For IBS-C | 290 mcg

For CIC | 2 dosing options

ICD-10 diagnosis codes2
For IBS-C*
290 mcg
For CIC*
145 mcg | 72 mcg
For FC†
72 mcg
For informational purposes only. It is the responsibility of the healthcare provider to determine the appropriate code(s) for services provided to his or her patient. Nothing in this website is intended to serve as reimbursement advice, a guarantee of coverage, or a guarantee of payment for LINZESS.
*For adult patients.
†For pediatric patients 6 to 17 years of age.
CIC, chronic idiopathic constipation; FC, functional constipation; IBS-C, irritable bowel syndrome with constipation.
LINZESS should be taken1:

Once a day

On an empty stomach and at least 30 minutes prior to a meal

At approximately the same time each day
For patients who are unable to swallow the capsule whole,
LINZESS capsules can be opened and administered orally either in applesauce or with water.
Clinical considerations1
- Duration of use is not limited
- No drug-drug interactions are anticipated
- Negligible systemic availability